Patti Croft
Articles by Patti
How To Uninstall Segurazo Antivirus
Have you found the Segurazo Antivirus on your device and didn’t know it was installed? We’ll show you how to remove this potentially unwanted program in our guide.
Does Performing a Factory Reset Remove Viruses?
Along with modern technology comes the reality of common viruses. If you’ve become the victim of malware on your phone, you may need a factory reset to remove it. Is that all you’ll have to do? We’ll cover the details in this guide.
How To Stop Alexa and Other Assistants from Listening
If you look around your home or office, you most likely have a smart device within reach. If you have privacy concerns about your electronic devices, we’ll show you how to put a stop to those gadgets listening in.
How To Stop Facebook from Tracking You [2024 Guide]
If you use Facebook, your activity is getting tracked. We’ll show you how to stop the site from keeping up with you.
What Is the WebHelper Virus? (And How To Get Rid of It)
Have you noticed suspicious activities that may indicate the Web Helper virus on your device? We’ll show you what to look for and how to remove this nuisance if you have it.
7 Airbnb Scams To Watch Out For
Can you get scammed on Airbnb? Our guide will discuss seven Airbnb scams and how you can avoid them.